An Even Better Berkley

Community Center


Last year’s community center bond proposal failed 51% to 49% and was a disappointment. I strongly support the Mayor’s decision to set up a group made up of residents who supported the proposal and residents who opposed it. These residents are working together to find some middle ground and are exploring the possibility of a new plan for the community center. Our Parks and Recreation Department works hard to maintain Berkley’s high standard of living, but our current community center doesn’t reflect the kind of city we are now, nor does it reflect the city we want to be in the future.



Fire Trucks

Berkley does so many things well and that includes maintaining our infrastructure. Looking toward Berkley’s future, we must not only address issues as they arise, we must also continue to be proactive in order to maintain, update, and improve our infrastructure. Berkley residents understand this which is why they voted in favor of the infrastructure bond proposal in 2018. A concern many residents have shared with me is the flooding of basements during heavy rains. We can’t stop the rain, but we can work to be able to adjust to changing climatic conditions. The solution to this and so many other problems involves all of us: residents, businesses, municipal government, county government, and state government. We must all work together. As an independent voice on City Council you can count on me to do just that.


A Vibrant Downtown

Art Bash

Berkley is a wonderful place to live, but we set ourselves apart by what we bring to the marketplace in terms of retail, services, and dining options. Berkley is a destination for people looking to spend their money on recreation. We have worked hard as a city to create and maintain a downtown that is walkable, and inviting and I am committed to preserving the unique variety of businesses and the vibrancy of our downtown. Too often the needs of a city’s businesses and the needs of its residents are portrayed as at odds with each other. In Berkley we know that neighborhoods benefit from a vibrant downtown and businesses thrive where neighborhoods flourish. I am firmly committed to both aspects of our city and have a unique perspective as I am part of both the business and residential communities. I approach my leadership role on City Council with that duo existence in mind. Residents benefit from having a strong and vibrant business district because not only does it provide a tax base, it also makes Berkley a desirable place to live. Our strong and safe neighborhoods provide the business community with a customer base and is what makes Berkley such a great place to do business in. I look forward to continuing to bridge the gap between our residential and business communities and working to make each strong in a mutually beneficial way.