Our Community


Berkley is a city moving forward and we must maintain that momentum as well as the enthusiasm the city generates. Our residents are passionate about our hometown. Our schools are top-notch, our streets are safe and walkable, and there is plenty of neighborly charm. We also have exceptionally talented city employees running our library, department of public works and our parks and recreation department, an incredible group of volunteers who are the backbone of many city events, and a supportive business community. Berkley’s forward momentum is due, in part, to a City Council that shares a love for our city and works together in a caring, civil way. It’s been a great gift to be part of this spirit of cooperation which touches all city departments, businesses, volunteer groups, and residents.

My family selected Berkley because of its great sense of community, its vibrant downtown, and superb schools. We love the walkability of downtown and the distinctively Berkley vibe. Berkley’s city services are second to none including our valuable Fall leaf pick up and Winter snow removal.

I believe Berkley is the place to be and it’s no surprise to me that others clearly know that, too. Kudos for Berkley shows we’re moving in the right direction:

  • Designated a Tree City USA by the Arbor Day Foundation for the past 28 years

  • Named one of the Best Places to Raise a Family in Michigan by Wallethub.com in 2018 and 2019

  • Recognized by the National Council for Home Safety and Security in 2018 as one of the safest cities in Michigan for 2018.

  • Listed as one of the Top 10 places in the U.S. to raise a family by PennyGeeks.com.

  • Honored as a four star community for its role in contributing to Michigan’s entrepreneurial growth and economic development by the University of Michigan-Dearborn’s Center for Innovation Research eCities study.

    Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th. With your vote I will continue to be a positive, independent voice for Berkley, the city we all love.